Click on the blue text to download Gamingbarn's Guns as of that version
Made reloading in creative mode not consume ammo items
Now, not only does reloading in creative not require ammo, it doesn't use it up either
Fixed gun zoom persisting bug
The zoom effect would still be applied to players even after they stopped sneaking if they stopped holding the gun
Fixed left-handed player third-person view looking right-handed
Left-handed players, when holding guns, would look like the gun was held in their right hand
Updated Modern Guns and Pipe Guns assets
Added new gun models and sounds for guns
Other small tweaks to various files
Fixed high damage guns killing multiple mobs in one shot
If the target mob died to the shot, the projectile would keep going
Fixed FN Scar Reload Sound not correct bug
The FN Scar used the Barret M82 reload sound
Added Bullet Light projectile type
Functionally the same as bullet, but spawns less particles
Useful for guns that have a rate of fire of 1
Switched Minigun to use Bullet Light projectile type
Fixed reloading without needing ammo bug
The player could reload guns without needing the appropriate ammo item
Added creative reloading feature
Now, if the player is in creative mode, they don't need ammo to reload their guns
Modified raycast passable block list
Cleaned up tag lists and made many new entries
All projectiles can now pass through trapdoors, doors, pressure plates, carpets, fences, fence gates, buttons, kelp plants, dead bushes, and leaves
Fixed left-handed players not being able to see guns in first-person
When a player had set their main hand to left, many guns had visibility issues
Tweaked Pipe Guns copper texture
Pipe Guns are more vibrant now
Fixed turret pickup not working
When the player would try to pick up a turret, it would not drop properly
Fixed Auto Turret model breaking when repaired
When an Auto Turret changed phases and then was repaired, the model would not display properly
Fixed Armor not updating upon repair to functional bug
The armor attribute of turrets would not update when a damage turret was repaired to functional
Fixed underwater rockets blowing up blocks bug
Rockets would damage blocks when used underwater
Added Underwater Explosion damage type
Functions the same as Explosion, but will damage blocks when used underwater
This damage type will not damage blocks if the projectile hits an entity underwater, it will only break blocks if the projectile hits a block
Added Purple projectile type
It's purple
Fixed C4 and Landmine explosions killing each other bug
When multiple C4s exploded at once, the creeper used to create the explosion could die
Nerfed C4 Explosion size
Lowered radius from 5 to 3
Changed 44 Magnum Ammo for Modern Guns
Fixed gun sounds cutting off bug
When certain gun sounds were used in 1-tick guns, they would be cut off
Made Large Laser projectile type actually large
Before, it was the same size as the regular laser projectile type
Optimized projectile raycasts
Should result in increased performance and less lag on multiplayer servers
Fixed Perdition Turret not changing model when destroyed
When the Perdition Turret entered the destroyed phase, its model wouldn't change
Fixed Perdition Turret dummy HP shield bug
The Perdition Turret would have an addition 60 hp of damage it could sustain before taking actual damage
Added custom Explosion Sound and particles to Perdition Turret death
When the Perdition Turret changes to be destroyed, it now plays another sound effect and some particles appear
Fixed reloading ammo tag abuse bug
The player could reload a gun, even if they didn't have the proper ammo item
It would only matter if the player had an item with the proper ammo tag
Added 4 new Reload Types
There are 4 new reload types that can be used by players with custom guns
Partial 25/50/75 (3/4/5) - Refills the gun 25/50/75% at the cost of 1 ammo item
Bullets (6) - Refills the gun completely at the cost of 1 ammo item per shot the gun needs refilled
Buffed Laser Pistol and Laser Rifle
The Laser Pistol max ammo is now 8 and now uses the partial 50 reload type
The Laser Rifle damage has been increased to 28 from 27
Tweaked Assault Laser Rifle
The max ammo has been raised to 48, but the gun now uses the partial 50 reload type
Updated to Minecraft 1.21
Datapack now works on the latest version of Minecraft
Fixed dead players using medical items bug
When a player died whilst using a medical item they would continue using the item until it disappeared
This issue was also present with throwables
Fixed wooden axe backwards bug
The vanilla wooden axe sprite was backwards
Fixed give:ray_gun_blue giving Ray Gun: Red bug
The give function for the Ray Gun: Blue gave the wrong gun
Optimized recoil system
Changed the recoil system to immediately apply the camera motion
This was done in order to optimize the shoot function of the datapack
If you feel like the new recoil values are not good, please give feedback
Tweaked Modern Gun models
Made several small changes to many of the Modern Gun models
Added melee weapon textures and models
They currently aren't used for anything, but will be in the future
Fixed broken Modern Gun models
The model files for all modern guns were broken
Improved various models
Made small tweaks and improvements to various pipe guns and modern gun models
Added new Modern Gun Models
Added 5 new gun models to be included in future Modern Guns update
Added NES Zapper Model
You're welcome, Jefferwald
Fixed broken GBZ Minor Infection Cure
The item, when used, wouldn't disappear
The syringe also had a chance of being given to the wrong player
Fixed broken gun zooming
Zooming in with guns was broken for all guns
Added back give_all give functions
Updated give functions
All give functions are now fully functional and updated
Fixed Assault Rifle Naming Bug
The Assault Rifle had the Sniper Rifle name
Fixed small visual issue that occurred with the config menu
Added Pipe Guns and Modern Guns Assets
This is to remove the necessity to weld the packs when wanting to play with content from both packs
Modified Medical Item System
Medical items have been changed
Players must now hold right click until a progress bar has filled completely
Once the bar is full, the player will receive the effects of the medical item
Items like medkits and bandages take longer to use than syringes
Medical item stacking has also been increased from 1 to 8
Modified Throwable Item System
Throwable items have also been changed
Now, instead of being spam-thrown like vanilla eggs or snowballs
Throwables now must "ready" themselves by holding right click
This nerf was necessary as the throwables, especially the grenade, were too powerful when in large amounts
Buffed Mekit regen
raised from 5 to 8 seconds
Fixed Pipe Bomb damage inconsistency bug
The pipe bomb said it dealt 16 damage, but it actually dealt 5 damage (to both players and mobs)
The pipe bomb has been modified to deal 14 damage
Buffed Molotov Cocktail damage
Increased from 1 to 2 damage
Removed crafting manuals
They are now obsolete since the recipes can now be viewed in the vanilla recipe book
All recipes are given to players automatically, no need to unlock them
Added Added Antidote Syringe
Can be used to dispel poison or wither status effects
Quicker to use than a medkit, but doesn't provide any regen or other buffs
Changed gun attribute formatting
The names of the custom components that guns use have been changed
Changed turret item stack sizes
It has been reduced from 64 to 4
This is to make it more difficult to spam turrets at enemy bases.
Removed feature enable/disable config system
Would be much more difficult to implement with the new crafting system
If you would like to remove a player's ability to craft an item, go into the datapack and delete the recipe file
Fixed Unbreakable ammo bug
All ammunition would say that is "unbreakable"
Increased gun "durability"
The durability bar that indicated the ammo left on guns has been increased from 25 to 200
Fixed Large Laser projectile type unable to go through glass bug
Guns with the large laser projectile type were unable to shoot through glass
Renamed "Flame Thrower" to "Flamethrower"
The way it should have been from the start
Tweaked all gun models
They now face the player instead of facing away
Fixed Minigun Ammo white name bug
The color of the Minigun Canister item was supposed to be yellow
Removed "give_all_" give functions
Fixed broken multiplayer c4 and landmine crafting
When crafting a c4 or landmine, there was a chance the item would be given to a player other than the one that crafted it
This issue also occurred with the give functions
Optimized and cleaned up up datapack
Removed old, unused files and organized existing files
There were a lot of old files
This fact combined with the removal of the crafting advancements and functions means the size of the datapack should be considerably smaller now
Re-added shotgun cocking noise
The cocking sound for the shotgun was removed when the datapack switched to be more data-driven
Nerfed flamethrower cost
No longer costs an iron block
Removed "Press [?key.swapOffhand] to reload" from guns that don't use/need ammo
Slightly buffed Ray Gun: Pink rate of fire
Removed give functions
Don't worry, they will be back in a future update
Fixed turret death message saying pig
Whenever a player died to a turret, it would say they were shot by pig
Fixed "turret menu ran!" bug
The message "turret menu ran" would be sent alongside the turret menu when it was pulled up
Probably something left over from debugging
Removed pre-V1.19 turret backwards compatibility
Update was long enough ago
Made gun name appear in gun explosion death messages
Before, it would say "Player was blown up by Gun Explosion"
Fixed broken turret vs player ai
Turrets would behave very strangely when their target type was set to player
Added gun reloading actionbar indicator
When players reload, they can see how long until they can shoot again via a timer in their actionbar
This can be disabled globally by running the command: /function config:actionbar_items_off
Added default turret target type config option
Operators can now change the default target type for turrets when they are spawned
This default will affect all newly placed turrets
Added GBG config menu
A command can be ran to access an text-based menu to change various config settings
This is much easier than manually typing out different commands
You can access it by running the command: /function config:gbg
Fixed gun duplication in nether and end bug
When you reloaded in the end or nether your gun would be duplicated
Removed player_damage_on/off config functions
They didn't even work in this version
Added Minor Infection Cure give command
Will only give the item if GBZ is installed alongside GBG
Fixed broken Minigun crafting bug
The Minigun couldn't be crafted
Fixed broken Rocket crafting bug
The Rocket couldn't be crafted
Updated gun item NBT
Fixed naming inconsistencies
This change will break all guns from version prior to GBG V1.20
To update those guns, simply shoot them on GBG V1.20 and then shoot them again on this version
Added use of custom shoot and reload sounds
The sound used for the gun when it shoots or reloads is specified in the gun's nbt data
Added use of custom ammo in guns
The nbt tag and base item of the gun's ammo is specified in the gun's nbt data
Separated projectile type and damage type
Guns can now have projectile particles and behavior separate from the what the gun does on impact
Changed Minigun and Bazooka name colors to be yellow
Fit the rarity name coloring system of Minecraft
Slightly increased Sniper Rifle rate of fire
Small buff for our little friend mr. sniper rifle
I will probably never balance him correctly
Renamed explosive_laser projectile type to large_laser
The separation of projectile type and damage type meant that the explosive laser no longer had to be explosive
Fixed fire weapons not dealing proper damage
Weapons that used a fire projectile type would not deal proper damage to their targets
Fixed broken turret menu
Players could bring up the turret menu, but couldn't do anything
Fixed Sniper Rifle piercing when close to target
Players could still pierce with the Sniper Rifle (and other long range guns) when very close to their targets
Increased Sniper Rifle rate of fire
Necessary buff since piercing was removed a couple updates ago
Fixed broken ammoless gun bug
Ammoless guns, ray guns or custom guns, wouldn't shoot on right click
Added bubble_column and kelp to raycast pass lists
Cleaned up tag lists
Fixed broken death messages bug
Death messages were accidentally broke in V1.20
Added Minigun
Very high rate of fire, very high magazine size, very low range
Fixed z-fighting on Sniper Rifle
Was only noticeable when the item was dropped
Increased 9V and 15V Laser Batteries cost
Reduced Flame Thrower cost
Fixed broken C4 Remote and Laser Shield models
Fixed broken medical item models
Updated License
Fixed fire projectiles going through clay bug
Flamethrower projectiles could shoot through clay
Fixed projectiles being stopped by redstone components bug
Gun projectiles couldn't should through levers, repeaters, and other redstone components
Lowered particles used in laser projectiles
Should increase performance for lower-end PCs and servers
Lowered particles used in Ray Gun: Red
Should increase performance for lower-end PCs and servers
Added Bazooka fire sound
Numerous balance changes
Increased Shotgun reload speed Increased Laser Pistol damage Increased Laser Rifle range Increased Laser Cannon
Rewrote much of datapack
Almost all changed made in this update are behind-the-scenes
A lot of it was fixing weird spaghetti-code that has existed since v1.3
Unfortunately, this means that all currently existing guns on will be brokenv
Medical items will still function, their textures will be broken though
To fix a broken gun, simply right click whilst holding it.
Added Dynamic Guns
Players can change the attributes of guns in the give command to change damage, range and many more stats
This system is quite limited at the present moment, but more customization and addon support will be created in the future
Fixed turrets ignoring shulkers and wardens bug
Turrets wouldn't shoot at wardens or shulkers
Fixed warden overkill bug
The warden would continue to attack turrets once they entered the destroyed stage
Fixed Turret Type turret menu overlap bug
If multiple turret types were present within four blocks, the Turret Type would appear three times
Fixed turret stuck aboveground bug
Sentry and Perdition turrets wouldn't go back underground after being repaired after entering the damaged phase
Fixed light block shooting bug
Projectiles, gun or turret, couldn't go through light blocks
Fixed broken crafting manual bug
A change made in mc 1.20.3 broke the crafting manuals
Fixed incorrect auto gun descriptions
Automatic guns had the wrong rate of fire listed in their tooltip
Fixed Turret suffocation when placed on wall bug
Turrets placed on walls would start suffocating
Fixed salvage inability bug
If a functional turret was nearby players would be unable to salvage turrets
Fixed absurd Flamethrower damage
The Flamethrower could do insane amounts of damage to targets
Fixed broken turret pick up bug
Turrets once picked up would be unable to be placed down again
Fixed autoclicker spam shooting bug
Players with an external autoclicker could shoot automatic guns faster than normal
Fixed turret shooting owner bug
The Perdition and Sentry turrets would shoot their owner when set to shoot at players
Fixed multiple pick up bug
Players could obtain infinite number of turrets if they picked one up while there were multiple different types nearby
Fixed multiple salvage bug
Players could obtain infinite number of salvage resources if they picked one up while there were multiple different types nearby
Fixed turret riding bug
Players could attach a saddle to a turret and use a carrot on a stick to ride the turret around
Fixed overlapping turret bug
Players could place multiple turrets on the same block; caused some interesting bugs
Updated to Minecraft 1.20.4
Datapack now works on the latest release of Minecraft
Updated License
Added Modrinth and Datapack Hub as an official download sites
Swapped Gun Crafting Manual and Equipment Crafting Manual recipes
Fixed internal misspellings
Rewrote Entire Turret System
This means improved performance and stability
Along with this are several various improvements and tweaks
Improved Turret AI
Turrets will no longer try to shoot at targets behind blocks
Updated Auto Turret Model
The model has been changed to fit the new hitbox and fit the model of the other turrets
Updated Auto Turret Hitbox Size
The hitbox is now 1x1 instead of 1x2
Tweaked Auto Turret Stats
Tweaked Auto Turret Recipe
Added Sentry Turret
A weaker auto turret, but can hide underground!
Underground turrets have far increased armor
Added Perdition Turret
A very bulky turret, but lacking in damage and range
Ignites targets on fire
Can hide underground
Fixed Visible Turret Creeper Bug
The creeper used as the turret's base was visible
Fixed missing shotgun give command bug
The shotgun's give command was missing
Fixed Broken Laser Battery Recipes
The items were uncraftable
Fixed Bundle to 15V Bug
Players could still obtain a 15v battery from a bundle even if the 15v was disabled
Updated 15v laser battery desc
It was outdated
Removed Leftover Archaic Code
Was unneeded
Fixed Give Command Bug
Most likely, many other things were also broken
Necessary scoreboards weren't being created
Updated pack.mcmeta to 18
Added fixed Pink Petals bug
Guns couldn't shoot through pink petals
Nerfed Laser Battery Recipes
Should make laser weapons more viable
Removed unnessesary files from resourcepack
The total file size of the resourcepack should be much lower now
Removed Sniper Rifle piercing
While it was a very nice feature, it was terribly overpowered
Updated Most Models
The models for the following items have been completly remade:
Pistol and Ammo
Shotgun and Ammo
Assault Rifle and Ammo
Sniper Rifle and Ammo
Laser Pistol, Rifle, Assault Rifle, and Cannon
9V, 15V Bundle, and 15V Laser Batteries
C4 and C4 Remote-Thanks Jaegerwald!
Laser Shield
All Ray Guns
Updated pack.pngs
Uses the new models
Corrected Shotgun Desc
The tooltip for the shotgun said the damage was 22
The actual damage is 19
Removed Chemical Thrower and Ink Blaster
They didn't really feel fun/great to use
Also didn't really fufill a real useful role
Didn't fit the new asthetic style.
Added Throwables
Throwables are a new type of weapon
They can be held in stacks of 16 and can be thrown
Upon impact they will explode
There are the Pipe Bomb, Molotov Cocktail, Grenade, and Chemical Grenade
Buffed Ray Gun: Pink Damage
The gun now deals more damage
The damage system is very similar to that of the throwables
Switched Datapack's Damage System to use /damage
This change comes with many benefits
All of them are listed as seperate changed below
Slightly buffed Sniper Rifle damage
This was nessesary for snipers to 1 shot zombies
Fixed turret causing knockback resistance bug
Occasionally, mobs shot by a turret would become immune to knockback
Guns now deal partial damage
Before, high armor targets would ignore gun damage if it was low enough
Now, targets will take damage, just in very low amounts
Mob armor is now respected
Mobs wearing armor will now take less damage from guns
Guns now deal durability damage to armor
When shot by a gun, worn armor will suffer durability damage
Fixed Player not turning red bug
Player's used to not turn a red tint when taking gunfire damage
Added death messages to guns
Now guns will give appropriate death messages depending on what killed them
Switched reload system to offhand swap
Now you reload by pressing the swap with offhand button; by default it's [f]
Consequently, all currently existing guns will need to be recrafted
Added Scopes and Iron Sights
Whenever you sneak while holding a gun, you will zoom in
The model of the gun will also change to represent this
Tweaked Ray Gun: Pink projectile particle
Should look a little better
Removed Archaic Weapons
Didn't fit the style of Gamingbarn's guns
Didn't serve any purpose other than aesthetic
Optimized Code
Reduced number of scoreboards needed
Removed some duplicate code
Added Textures to Crafting Manuals
Makes it easier to tell them apart
Looks very pretty as well
Updated to 1.20
Datapack now works on Minecraft 1.20
Removed Zombie Virus Cure
The Zombie Virus Cure item is no longer obtainable
Added Minor Infection Cure to med crafting book
The Minor Infection Cure recipe will be in the med crafting book if GBZ is installed
Updated the pack.pngs
Look a little nicer
Datapack no longer uses an outdated image
Optimized Recoil System
Greatly reduced the amount of repeating code
Should improve performance slightly
Added feature enable/disable System
Each item added by this datapack (excluding books) can be disabled
The features can be disabled by running the command:
/function config:feature/[ITEM_NAME]/enable
All currently existing features are enabled
When a feature is disabled, the feature will still function, but cannot be crafted
Added new archaic weapons
Added four new guns; musket, flintlock pistol, repeater rifle, and revolver.
These guns currently do have crafting recipes but must be enabled via the config command:
/function config:feature/[ITEM_NAME]/enable
The book for their crafting recipes can be crafted with a book, a stick, and a gunpowder
Nerfed Bandage
Bandage now restores 4 hp instead of 6
Also changed name to Simple Bandage
All currently crafted bandages will function as simple bandages
Added Advanced Bandage
A better bandage, slightly more expensive
Recipe can be found in the Medical Crafting Manual
Added C4 Remote to give:all_equipment
It was absent from the give command
Updated Screenshots
Much better :D
Added Swiftness Syringe, Health Boost Syringe, & Resistance Syringe to the Medical Crafting Manual
For some reason, they were absent from the book
Made bandage recipe shapeless
The recipe was supposed to be shapeless, but it wasn't
Removed gun ammo scoreboards
They were still in from before the per gun ammo system
Updated reload message
Looks nicer
Removed all gun, medical, and equipment cooldown scoreboards
Replaced them with one scoreboard; gbg.use_item
Fixed Pistol looking like it's fully reloaded when crafted/given
Only the pistol had this issue
Increased Assault Rifle reload time
Better fit sound file
Increased Assault Rifle range
Increased from 32 to 36
Updated give:all commands to shortcut to gbg:give/ commands
Now all guns from the give:all commands will be updated properly
Lessened the curve on Ray Gun: Pink
Now it's easier to aim and it's more usefull
Updated Ray Gun: Red projectile particle effect
Should increase visibility when shooting
Re-orginized medical item functions
Should be easier on my end to make changes and add new medical items
Updated medkit use sound
Now includes bandage and syringe use sounds
Removed updated_gun item tag
It was a feature for backwards compatibility implimented in V.14
But as it's been quite a while since that feature was implimented, I feel as if it's safe to remove Now
Fixed broken Bazooka target detection
The Bazooka wouldn't explode when shooting an entity, but would explode on blocks
Fixed broken Bazooka target detection
When crafted, the Assault Laser Rifle would say 0/4 ammo instead of 0/32
Added OUT OF AMMO last mag warning
When you use the last mag in your inventory the OUT OF AMMO message appears
Implimented Cosmetic System
Guns can now have custom names and enchantments and they will persist through the shooting and reloading
CustomModelData will also persist through shooting and reloading
This enables server owners and other developers to add their own gun textures rather easily
The CustomModelData needs to be set in the give command and you're done!
Several pre-made cosmetics are available to use via /function give:cosmetic/
Optimized out of ammo warning
It is now all done in 1 function instead of 16
Improved Sniper Rifle texture mapping
The barrel now look a little Better
Made C4s and Land Mines placeable like blocks
C4s and Land Mines can now be placed via right click like blocks
Increased C4 explosion radius
Explosion radius of the C4 has been increased from 3 to 5
Made C4s remote activated
C4s can now be activated via a remote
The remote has 5 uses and a range of 50 blocks
The recipe for the remote can be found in the equipment crafting manual
Made Tinted Glass bullet-proof
Standard guns now can't go through/break tinted glass
Laser weapons can still go through them just fine
Updated pack.mcmeta
An optimization feature added by Minecraft in 1.19.3
This leads to faster resource pack loading speeds
Updated pack.mcmeta
Now it's 12
Made Auto Turrets set in center of block when placed
Makes it easier align turrets nicely
Monsters stop attacking turret once it's damaged
When Auto Turret enters its damaged state, monsters will stop attacking it
Added Destroyed Turret feature
When Auto Turrets die they will now enter a Destroyed phase
In this state, they are unable to receive further damaged
The turret also loses its ability to be repaired
The owner of the turret can salvage the turret from the turret_settings menu
Salvaging turrets will give back some of the resources it took to craft the turret
Fixed shotgun stat inconsistencies
The shotgun range when the item was crafted stated the range was 19
The shotgun range when the item was given stated the range was 30
The shotgun range upon item update stated the range was 19
The actual shotgun range was 15
The new actual range is 22
The shotgun damage in the tooltip everywhere stated it was 24
The actual shotgun damage is 18
How did this even happen
Fixed Assault Laser Rifle Reload bug
It was possible to reload the Assault Laser Rifle with full ammo
Improved raycast system
Lowered the margin for error with all gun projectiles
Guns can no longer "shoot through walls"
Improved give functions
All functions from the give namespace now use the function under GBG
Renamed all of the give functions to be the actual name of the item
Removed flare gun texture files
They were still in from way back
Better organized texture files
It was kind of a mess
Organized sound files
It was a huge mess
Added bandage and syringe use sound effects
I think they're good
Fixed audio bug with Auto Turrets
All Auto Turrets could potentially spam the damage AND repair sound at the same time non-stop
Fixed Auto Turret resource duplication bug
When picking up and Auto Turret, the Auto Turret would be given back as well as the resources it took to craft it
Fixed Auto Turret description broken bug
When picking up an Auto Turret the updated description wouldn't carry over
Fixed Ink Blaster looking like Chem Thrower bug
There was a bug where the ink blaster looked like the chem thrower when shot/reloaded
Gave Auto Turrets water breathing
Now Auto Turrets won't die from being underwater
Fixed Health Boost Syringe giving resistance bug
Health Boost Syringes used to give resistance
Implemented damaged Turret feature
Auto Turret health has been doubled
Whenever an turret goes below half health it will gain 14 armor points but lose functionality
Repair the turret in the /trigger turret_settings menu to make it operational again
Upon death, the turret will drop a portion of the resources it takes to craft it.
Removed dirt from flame raycast tag
It was there from debugging when I had made the flamethrower
Fixed bugged OUR OF AMMO message for Laser weapons
There was a bug that caused the laser weapons to display the messsage OUT OF AMMO on the actionbar even with ammo
Added Laser Assault Rifle OUT OF AMMO display
The OUT OF AMMO display was missing for the assault laser Rifle
Renamed Laser Batteries in give namespace
In the give namespace the laser batteries were named "laser_pistol_ammo" and such
They are now named their actual in-game names
Renamed Shotgun Shell in give namespace
In the give namespace the shotgun shell was named "shotgun_ammo"
They are now named their actual in-game name
Overhauled Ammo System
The ammo system used by all guns has been revamped completely
Instead of being a per-player ammo system, it's now per-guns
Now it's possible to have multiple guns each with their own ammo level
Buffed range of most guns
A ton of guns have gained a range buff
Pistol 30-50
Assault Rifle 30-32
Sniper Rifle 80-110
Laser Pistol 40-70
Laser Rifle 60-86
Laser Cannon 90-122
Assault Laser Rifle 50-74
Updated Ray Gun fire sound
It fits the gun better
Optimized Land Mine Code
The code for the Land Mine has been optimized
This fixes several bugs such as:
Land Mines having activation delay when there is a lot of them
Land Mines not making the activation beeps when there is a lot of them
Optimized C4 Code
The code for the C4 has been optimized
This fixes C4s not making the appropriate beeping sounds
Added short wait time for Auto Turret
When an Auto Turret is deployed it must wait 5 seconds before firing
Lowered particle amount in Auto Turret raycast
The high amount wasn't necessary
Lowered Auto Turret damage from 5 to 3
It was a little OP, especially with the new Auto Turret
Made Auto Turrets Permanent
Auto Turrets now last forever
Auto Turrets now can take damage
Auto Turrets have a base HP of 30
Added Turret settings menu
The owner of a turret can now run the following command:
/trigger turret_settings
When standing next to their turret to bring up a menu
Added Swiftness Syringe
Gives swiftness 4 for 30 seconds
Added Resistance Syringe
Gives resistance 1 for 60 seconds
Added Health Bost Syringe
Gives health boost 2 for 6.5 minutes
Fixed Ray Gun: Red crafting book bugs
The Ray Gun: Red wasn't in the gun crafting manual
Increased Regeneration Syringe to give regeneration 2
A small little buff
Added details of med items to their descriptions
In each medical item's tooltip you can now find a list of that item's effects
Added player_damage config function
You can turn of the ability for players to be damaged by most guns by running the command:
/function config:player_damage_off
Arrows can now trigger land Mines
Finally a use for bows and crossbows
An easier way to deal will land mines
Optimized tick.mcfunction
Moved pretty much all player commands to their own function
Fixed Assault Laser Rifle tooltip bug
The tooltip of the assault laser rifle would change during use
Changed Laser Cannon sound effects
It was too similar to the laser pistol sound
Added Minor Infection Cure
You can now craft a minor infection cure if you are playing with gbz
This new item can cure yourself of the minor infection
Or it can cure the nearest zombie villager/animal
Improved crafting method for gbz exclusive items
It was pretty easy-to-break before
Fixed regen and absop syringe crafting bug
There was a bug that caused the crafting system for both syringes to stop working after crafted once
Thank you Grian64
Fixed book give functions
The crafting books when obtained via the give functions would be broken
Updated to 1.19
Datapack now works on the latest Minecraft release
Improved code organization
Now it's easier on my end to view and edit the code
Removed unnecessary scoreboards
Changed code to not require them
Optimized load.mcfunction
Old system would run load.mcfunction every 1.5 sec, new system runs smaller function every 10 sec
Optimized ALL right click detection
Less stress on worlds with large amounts of players
Optimized ammo display
Less stress on worlds with large amounts of players
Fixed c4 and land mine carrot stick bug
If you looked at a land mine/c4 you could take the carrot stick from it to render it invisible
Unfortunately, now c4s and land mines are no longer affected by gravity (will be fixed in future update)
Fixed book result bug
In the various crafting manuals sometimes the "result" portion of the page was cut off
Fixed Laser Rifle ammo bug
Laser rifles wouldn't consume ammo when reloading.
Fixed Flame Thrower ammo bug
Flame Thrower canisters would be named flame thrower ammo if obtained through the give function
Fixed Ink Blaster undead bug
Undead mobs hit by the ink blaster would become stronger, instead of weaker
Added give:syringe function
The give command for the syringe was missing
Removed robot toggle config functions
They were still left over from when robots where still in gbg
Ink Blaster now shoots through mobs
More use for the ink blaster now
Increased slowness effect with Ink Blaster
Ink blaster is better now
Changed models of the syringes
They used a pretty odd system for displaying sprites before, this has been changed
Nerfed Sniper Rifle Piercing
When a sniper rifle shot pierces through an entity it will lose momentum
Meaning that at shorter ranges it can pierce more than at longer ranges
Nerfed Ray Gun: Blue range
Seemed a little high, it has been lowered from 60 to 48
Standard Guns now shoot through glass
Most standard guns can now shoot through glass, breaking it in the process
Auto turret cannot shoot through/break glass
Laser Guns now shoot through glass
All laser guns can now shoot through glass
Added summon commands for various equipment
Handy dandy little tool
They can be summoned via the summon namespace
Tweaked pistol model and texture
Looks a little better now
Changed image system for books
The previous system relied on overriding custom characters, this has been changed to use a custom font instead
Changed damage system for most standard, laser, and ray guns
The system, instead of using effects, uses scoreboards to deal damage to players and mobs
This allows for much more specific damage application
As a result to this change, however, most guns have received damage nerfs
The only bug is that absorption hearts are now ignored when dealing damage
Added ErrorCraft's Score-Based-Damage Datapack
This datapack is contained within the gbg zip file
This datapack is responsible for making the player damage system work
Huge thanks to ErrorCraft!
Not sure how I screwed up this bad but I didn't upload the datapack V1.10
It's been fixed.
Fixed give:all_ammo bug
The flamethrower Ammo and Rockets were only given in groupd of 1 instead of 64
Fixed bullet raycast bug
Bullets couldn't fire through small dripleaf or big dripleaf
Added realistic gun sounds to most guns
Sounds better than the mish-mash of minecraft sounds
Changed name of Flame Thrower Ammo to Flame Thrower Canister
Now matches the naming style of the other ammo
Added individual give commands for each ammo
These are in the give namespace
Added individual give commands for each book
These are in the give namespace
Added individual give commands for each equipment item
These are in the give namespace
Added individual give commands for each gun
These are in the give namespace
Added individual give commands for each medical item
These are in the give namespace
Changed orientation of medkit in inventory
Looks better than the front-view orientation.
Fixed gbg_detect error
The system used to detect if gbg was installed when playing with gbz was broken
Fixed give:all_equipment command not existing
The command didn't exist
Fixed give:all_meds bug
The function didn't give you the bandage and it also gave you the laser shield
Added Equipment
Equipment is a new category of items in gbg
Added bandage
New Healing Item
Added some new guns
Everyone loves new guns
Nerfed pistol ammo crafting
It was too cheap for the size of the magazine
Rewrote Gun Crafting Manual and Medical Crafting Manual
Now includes a list of ingredients required to craft each item
Added Equipment Crafting Manual
Crafted with book and gunpowder
Removed Robots
They really didn't fit well with gbg